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Controlled Offensive
Performing Electronic Attacks on US Citizens
Larson Report
Espionage + Brain to Computer Interface
Office of the Inspector General
A Nation Betrayed
Report - Special Rapporteur on Torture
Multifrequency Radar System for Detecting Humans
Conference on Low-Frequency Noise and Hearing
Advanced Optical
and Wireless
John St. Clair Akwei v
NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA
Antenna Theory
Brain Frequencies
The Brain Initiative
Types of Brain Computer Interfaces
Can you Hear Radiation
CIA Spying Here at Home
CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception
Department of the Army Ft. Meade
Microwaves and Behavior
Mind control: The secret weapon utilised
by religious cults to control their followers
Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense
Nils Melzer's Presentation to the General Assembly
Photoacoustic communications: delivering audible
signals via absorption of light by atmospheric H2O
Pandora’s Box Opened Wide: UAVs Carrying
Genetic Weapons
Photosensitive Graphene Transistors
Protecting Your Child From Active Monarch Mind
Control Programs
Accountability for Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
“Psychological Torture and Ill-Treatment”
Raytheon Active Denial
Recent Advances in Brain-Computer Interfaces
An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and
Their Families at Overseas Embassies (2020)
Department of The Navy
Rome Statute of the International Criminal court
Semiconductor Industry Association
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
52nd Session of the Human Rights Council
Concept Note & Questionnaire
Synthetic Telepathy
the early Mind Wars
Terahertz wave generation
The Age of AI
American Psychologist article: 1973 Voice to Skull Demonstration
The Matrix Deciphered
The Silent Massacre
True Justice Field Operations Manual
USC Satellite Database (January 2024)
Radio Frequency Shielded Enclosures Demountable Type
United Nations Neurotechnology and human rights
Brain wave monitoring apparatus (patent)
Brain-Computer Interface
Golomb, MD, PhD,
The Military-Environmental Complex
The Brain Machine Interface
US Special Operations Command
Planned Global Genocide
US DOD Non-Lethal Weapons
Norman Worlds First AI Psychopath
The Mind Has No Firewall
Critical overview of satellite-based psychotechnology
Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and
Pulsed Radiofrequency/ Microwave Radiation
Telephony over Power Lines (Early History)
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