Voice to skull and remote neural monitoring
Patent US4877027 - Hearing system - Google Patents
Patent US4858612 - Hearing device - Google Patents
Patent US6011991 - Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of ... - Google Patents
Patent US6587729 - Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing ... - Google Patents
Patent US3951134 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves - Google Patents
Patent US4395600 - Auditory subliminal message system and method - Google Patents
Patent DE10253433A1 - Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to ... - Google Patents
Patent DE3628420A1 - Device for reproducing voice information in a subliminal technique - Google Patents
Patent US6039688 - Therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and ... - Google Patents
Patent US5211129 - Syringe-implantable identification transponder - Google Patents
Direct energy weapons
Patent US7629918 - Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system - Google Patents
Patent US6506148 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - Google Patents
Patent US6219657 - Device and method for creation of emotions - Google Patents
Patent US5036858 - Method and apparatus for changing brain wave frequency - Google Patents
Patent US20030171688 - Mind controller - Google Patents
Patent US7784390 - Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon - Google Patents
Patent US4011747 - Method and apparatus for acoustic scanning using waves scattered by an ... - Google Patents
Patent US4392379 - Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment - Google Patents
Patent US4333474 - Ultrasonic imaging system - Google Patents
Patent US3815409 - Focused sonic imaging system - Google Patents
Patent WO2012164169A1 - Method and system for observation - Google Patents
Patent US5781108 - Automated detection and monitoring (ADAM) - Google Patents